Prof. Adiel Schremer
Fields of Interest
- Jewish history of the Second Temple, Mishnah and Talmud periods
- Second Temple Judaism
- Rabbinic Judaism
- Rabbinic Literature
- History of Halakha
Adiel Schremer: List of Publications
(March 2022)
1. “Jewish Marriage in Talmudic Babylonia”, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1996 (summa cum laude). Instructor: Prof. Moshe David Herr.
2. Male and Female He Created Them: Jewish Marriage in Late Second Temple, Mishnah and Talmud Periods (Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center, 2003), 395 pp. (Hebrew).
3. Brothers Estranged: Heresy, Christianity, and Jewish Identity in Late Antiquity (Oxford and New York: Oxford Universtiy Press, 2010), xx+272 pp.
4. Ma‘ase Rav: Halakhic Decision-Making and the Shaping of Jewish Identity (Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2019), 230 pp. (Hebrew).
5. Reshit: Jewish Studies, Volume 1 (Jerusalem, Shalom Hartman Institute, 2009), 390 pp. (co-editor, with Yair Lorberbaum and Dror Yinon)
6. Reshit: Jewish Studies, Volume 2 (Jerusalem, Shalom Hartman Institute, 2010), 288 pp. (co-editor, with Yair Lorberbaum and Dror Yinon)
7. ‘“At the Age of Eighteen to the Huppah”? The Marriage Age of Jews in Eretz Israel in the Second Temple, Mishna and Talmud Periods’, Sexuality and the Family in History (eds. I. Bartal and I. Gafni), Jerusalem 1998, pp. 43-70 (Hebrew).
8. ‘On the Pseudo-Rashi Commentaries to Moed Qatan’, Atara L’haim: Studies in the Talmud and Medieval Rabbinic Literature in Honor of ProfessorHaim Zalman Dimitrovski (eds. D. Boyarin, S. Friedman, M. Hirshman, M. Schmelzer and I.M. Tashma), Jerusalem 2000, pp. 534-554 (Hebrew).
9. ‘Qumran Polemic on Marital Law: CD 4:20 – 5:11 and Its Social Background’, The Damascus Document: A Centennial of Discovery (eds. J.M. Baumgarten, E.G. Chazon, and A. Pinnick), Leiden–Boston–Köln 2000, pp. 147-160.
10. ‘“[T]he[y] Did Not Read In the Sealed Book”: Qumran Halakhic Revolution and the Emergence of Torah Study in Second Temple Judaism’, Historical Perspectives: from the Maccabees to Bar Kokhba in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (eds. D. Goodblatt, A Pinnick, and D.R. Schwartz), Leiden–Boston–Köln 2001, pp. 105-126.
11. ‘Ha-Parshanut ha-Oqeret ve-ha-Aqira ha-Meforeshet’ [‘Between Radical Interpretation and Explicit Rejection’], Renewing Jewish Commitment: The Work and Thought of David Hartman (eds. A. Sagi and Z. Zohar), Tel-Aviv 2001, pp. 747-769 (Hebrew).
12. ‘Eschatology, Violence, and Suicide: An Early Rabbinic Theme and Its Influence in the Middle Ages’, A. Amanat and J.J. Collins (eds.), Apocalypse and Violence (New Haven: Yale Center for International and Area Studies, 2004), pp. 19-43.
13. ‘Stammaitic Historiography’, J.L. Rubbenstein (ed.), Creation and Composition: The Contribution of the Bavli Redactors (Stammaim) to the Aggada (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2005), pp. 219-235.
14. ‘Seclusion and Exclusion: Rehtoric of Separation in Qumran and Tannaitic Literature’, S. Fraade and A. Shemesh (eds.), Rabbinic Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls (Leiden-Boston-Köln: Brill, 2006), pp. 127-145.
15. ‘The Emergence of Rabbinic Judaism’, Y. Zaban, D. Shacham, and Y. Yovel (eds.), New Jewish Time: Jewish Culture in the Age of Secularization (Tel-Aviv: Lamda, 2007), pp. 204-208 (Hebrew).
16. ‘For Whom is Marriage a Happiness? mMo‘ed Qatan 1:7, and a Roman Parallel’, T. Ilan (ed.), A Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud: Introduction and Studies, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2007, pp. 285-302.
17. ‘Marriage, Sexuality, and Holiness: The Anti-Ascetic Legacy of Talmudic Judaism’, R. Blau (ed.), Gender Relationships In Marriage and Out (New York: Yeshiva University Press, 2007), pp. 35-64.
18. ‘The Christianization of the Roman Empire and Rabbinic Literature’, in: Lee I. Levine and Daniel R. Schwartz (eds.), Jewish Identities in Antiquity: Studies in Memory of Menahem Stern, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009, pp. 349-366 (a chapter in #3).
19. ‘The Religious Orientation of Non-Rabbis in Second Century Palestine: A Rabbinic Perspective’, in: Oded Irshai, Jodi Magness, Seth Schwartz and Zeev Weiss (eds.), “Follow the Wise”: Studies in Jewish History and Culture in Honor of Lee I. Levine (Winona Lake, IN.: Eisenbrauns, 2010), 317-339.
20. ‘Celibacy in Second Temple Judaism’, in: Daniel C. Harlow and John J. Collins (eds.), Dictionary of Early Judaism, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010.
21. ‘Beyond Naming: Laws of Minim in Tannaitic Literature and the Early Rabbinic Discourse of Minut’, in: Peter J. Tomson and Joshua Schwartz (eds.), Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries: How to Write Their History (CRINT 13; Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2014), 383-397.
22. ‘Toward Critical Halakhic Studies’, Tikvah Center Working Papers 04/10, ed. Joseph H.H. Weiler, New York 2010, pp. 1-56.
23. ‘“Most Beautiful of Women”: Story and History in Sifre Deuteronomy’, C.E. Hayes, Z. Novick, and M. Bar-Asher-Siegal (eds.), The Faces of Torah: Studies in the Texts and Contexts of Ancient Judaism in Honor of Steven Fraade (Journal of Ancient Judaism Supplements, 22; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017), 529-543.
24. ‘The Sages in Palestinian Jewish Society of the Mishnah Period: Torah, Prestige and Social Standing’, M. Kahana et al. (eds.), The Classic Rabbinic Literature of Eretz Israel: Introduction and Studies (Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi, 2018), 553-581.
25. ‘Boethusians’, in: Daniel M. Gurtner and Loren T. Stuckenbruck (eds.), T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism (London and New York: T&T Clark, 2020), Vol. 2, pp. 112-113.
26. ‘Negotiating Heresy: Belief and Identity in Early Rabbinic Literature’, G. Sharvit and W. Goetschel (eds.), Canonization and Alterity: Heresy in Jewish History, Thought, and Literature (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2020), pp. 30-49.
27. ‘How Can Rabbinic Narratives Talk History?’, J. Ben-Dov and M. Bar-Asher Siegal (eds.), Social History of the Jews in Antiquity: Studies in Dialogue with Albert Baumgarten (Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2021), pp. 267-295.
28. ‘Between “Transmission” and “Performance”: The Complexity and Open Texture of the Textual Tradition of the Tosefta’, Lutz Doering and Daniel Schumann (eds.), Tosefta Studies: Manuscripts, Traditions, and Topics (Münster: LiT Verlag, 2021), pp. 49-69.
29. ‘Concealment, Mockery, and Polemic: On the Shaping of Anti Sectarian Polemics in Early Rabbinic Literature’, *************** Festschrift (forthcoming).
30. ‘“And Your People Are All Righteous:” Heretics and Heresy in the Mishnah’, Shaye J.D. Cohen and Noah Feldman (eds.), What is the Mishnah (forthcoming).
31.‘“In Front of God” and the Interpretation of Mishna Sota 1:5’, Bikkurim 2 (1985), pp. 122-129 (Hebrew).
32. ‘“Trey Lishane”: The Text Traditions of Bavli Moed Qatan’, Asufot 2 (1988), pp. 17-28 (Hebrew).
33. ‘Concerning King Uziahu's Burial Place’, Cathedra 46 (1988), pp. 188-190 (Hebrew).
34. ‘Manuscripts Families and Text Traditions of Tractate Moed Qatan’, Sidra 6 (1990), pp. 121-150 (Hebrew).
35. ‘On the Location of One “Mikan Amru” Passage in the Sifra’, Tarbiz 61 (1992), pp. 301-303 (Hebrew).
36. ‘Between Text Transmission and Text Redaction: Fragments of a Different Recencion of TB Moed-Qatan from the Genizah’, Tarbiz 61 (1992), pp. 375-399 (Hebrew).
37. ‘The Tetrapylon of Caesarea and the Burial Place of Rabbi Aqiva’, Cathedra 68 (1993), pp. 188-192 (Hebrew).
38. ‘“Lishana Aharina” of BT Moed Qatan in a Genizah Manuscript’, Sidra 9 (1993), pp. 117-161 (Hebrwe).
30. ‘The Talmud’s Language and Text, and the Flow of the Talmudic Sugya’, Asufot 8 (1994), pp. 52-77 (Hebrew).
40. ‘Kinship Terminology and Endogamous Marriage in Tannaitic and Talmudic Period’, Zion 60 (1995), pp. 5-35 (Hebrew).
41. ‘Men’s Age at Marriage in Jewish Palestine of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods’, Zion 61 (1996), pp. 45-66 (Hebrew) (revised and expanded version of #6).
42. ‘ “If I Die... If I Should Not Stand Up’: Conditional Phraseology and the Interpretation of a Problematic Sugya in BT Gittin 73a’, Tarbiz 65 (1996), pp. 439-449 (Hebrew).
43. ‘“He Posed Him a Difficulty and Placed Him”: A Study in the Evolution of the Text of TB Bava Kama 117a’, Tarbiz 66 (1997), pp. 415-403 (Hebrew).
44. ‘The Name of the Boethusians: A Reconsideration of Suggested Explanations and a New One’, Journal of Jewish Studies 48 (1997), pp. 290-299.
45. ‘Divorce in Papyrus Se’elim 13 Once Again: A Reply to Tal Ilan’, Harvard Theological Review 91 (1998), pp. 193-202.
46. ‘Papyrus Se’elim 13 and the Question of Divorce Initiated by Women in Ancient Jewish Halakha’, Zion 63 (1998), pp. 377-390 (Hebrew) (much expanded version of #36).
47. ‘From the Onomasticon of Jewish Settlements in Talmudic Babylonia to the Talmudic Lexicon: Lebai’, Leshonenu 61 (1998), pp. 87-109 (Hebrew).
48. ‘In the Margins of “The Difficulty and the Posing”’, Netu‘im 6 (2000), pp. 73-79 (Hebrew).
49. ‘The Concluding Passage of Megilat Ta‘anit and the Nullification of Its Halakhic Significance during the Talmudic Period’, Zion 65 (2000), pp. 411-439 (Hebrew).
50. ‘A New Fragment of the Palestinian Talmud from the Genizah’, Aley Sefer 19 (2001), pp. 35-42 (Hebrew).
51. ‘What One Says and What One Does’, Zion 66 (2001), pp. 231-233 (Hebrew).
52. ‘The Text-Tradition of the Tosefta: A Preliminary Study in the Footsteps of Saul Lieberman’, Jewish Studies Internet Journal 1 (2001), pp. 11-44 (Hebrew).
53. ‘How Much Jewish Polygyny in Roman Palestine?’, Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, 64 (1997 [2001]), pp. 181-223 (an early version of a chapter in #2).
54. ‘Midrash and History: God’s Power, the Roman Empire, and Hopes of Redemption in Tannaitic Literature’, Zion 72 (2007), pp. 5-36 (Hebrew).
55. ‘Two Powers in Heaven Revisited’, Journal for the Study of Judaism 39 (2008), pp. 230-254.
56. ‘“The Lord Has Forsaken the Land”: Radical Reactions to the Political and Military Defeat of the Jews in Tannaitic Literature’, Journal of Jewish Studies 59 (2008), pp. 183-200.
57. ‘Achim Acherim’ [Other Brothers], Reshit 1 (2009), pp. 165-186 (Hebrew).
58. ‘“Behold, the Man has Become Like One of Us”: Polemic, Silencing, and Self-Restraint in Early Rabbinic Midrash’, Tarbiz 78 (2009), pp. 345-369 (Hebrew).
59. ‘Realism in Halakhic Decision-Making: The Medieval Controversy Concerning Examination of Lungs (Plugat ha-Re’a) as a Test Case’, Dine Israel 28 (2011), pp. 97-143 (Hebrew).
60. ‘Thinking about Belonging in Early Rabbinic Literature: Proselytes, Apostates, and “Children of Israel”, or: Does It Make Sense to Speak of Early Rabbinic Orthodoxy?’, Journal for the Study of Judaism 43 (2012), pp. 249-275.
61. ‘Wayward Jews: Minim in Early Rabbinic Literature’, Journal of Jewish Studies 63 (2013), pp. 242-263.
62. ‘Brotherhood, Solidarity, and the Rabbinic Construction of the Commandment to Return Lost Property’, Journal of Law, Religion and the State 3 (2014), pp. 51-61.
63. ‘Avot Reconsidered: Rethinking Rabbinic Judaism’, Jewish Quarterly Review 105 (2015), pp. 287-311.
64. ‘“What God has Joined Together”: Predestination, Ontology, and the Nature of the Marital Bond in Early Rabbinic Discourse’, Dine Israel 30 (2015), pp. 139-161.
65. ‘History, Halakha and Religious Identity in the Halakhic Discourse of Rabbinic Sages in Medieval Ashkenaz’, Zion 81 (2016): 31-65 (Hebrew).
66. ‘Parvanka: The Mandean Context of an Anti-Heretical Polemic in the Babylonian Talmud’, Tarbiz 85 (2018), pp. 205-381 (Hebrew).
67. ‘“We Will Sanctify Your Name in the World”: The Concept of Qiddush ha-Shem from Biblical to Rabbinic Literature’, Reshit 3 (2019), pp. 1-21 (Hebrew).
68. ‘The Lost Chapter: Imperialism and Jewish Society 70-135 CE’, Revue des Etudes Juives 179 (2020), pp. 63-82.
69. ‘Halakhah, Reality, and Deliberation in Halakhic Decision-Making: The Debate Over the Public Reading of the Torah from Codex in the Middle Ages’, Reshit 4 (2020), pp. 47-79 (Hebrew).
70. ‘On the Difficulties in Editing the Tosefta: The Fine Line Between Text, Interpretation and the Transformations of Tradition’, Jewish Studies Internet Journal 20 (2021), pp. 1-13 (with Binyamin Katzoff) (Hebrew).
71. ‘Hagadot ‘Al Dofi: The Homiletical Expounding of “Verses of Blemish” in Scripture’, Te‘uda 31 (2021), pp. 381-410 (with Ishay Rosen-Zvi) (Hebrew).
72. ‘Inseparable Considerations: The Origins, Redaction, and Text of the Bariatha Concerning the Script of the Torah in Tosefta Sanhedrin’, Jewish Studies Internet Journal 21 (2022) (forthcoming; with Binyamin Katzoff) (Hebrew).
73. ‘Concealment, Mockery, and Polemic: On the Presentation of Halakhic Disputes between the Sages and their Opponents in Rabbinic Literature’ ■■■■■ Festschrift (forthcoming) (Hebrew).
74. ‘‘“And Your People Are All Righteous:” Heretics and Heresy in the Mishnah’, in: Shaye J.D. Cohen (ed.), What is the Mishnah? The State of the Field (forthcoming).
75. Review of: Richard Kalmin, The Sage in Jewish Society of Late Antiquity (New York and London: Routledge, 1999), Zion 65 (2000), pp. 229-235 (Hebrew).
76. Review of David Levine, Communal Fasts and Rabbinic Sermons – Theory and Practice in the Talmudic Period (Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2001), Zion 68 (2003), pp. 369-374 (Hebrew).
77. Review of Eyal Regev, The Sadducees and their Halakhah: Religion and Society in the Second Temple Period (Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi, 2005), AJS Review 30 (2006), pp. 445-448.
78. Review of Hans-Jürgen Becker, Avot de-Rabbi Nathan: Synoptische Edition beider Versionen (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2006), Zion 73 (2008), pp. 210-207 (Hebrew).
79. Review of Ruth Langer, Cursing the Christians? A History of the Birkat Haminim (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), AJS Review 37 (2012), pp. 394-396.
80. Review of Jacob Sussman (in collaboration with Yoav Rosenthal and Aharon Shweqa), Thesaurus of Talmudic Manuscripts (Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi and The Friedberg Genizah Project, 2012), Zion 78 (2013), pp. 255-259 (Hebrew).
81. Review of Tal Ilan and Vered Noam (in collaboration with M. Ben-Shahar, D. Baratz, and Y. Fisch), Josephus and the Rabbis (Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi, 2017), Zion 83 (2018), pp. 383-389 (Hebrew).
82. Review of Andrie Orlov, The Glory of the Invisible God: Two Powers in Heaven Traditions, New York: T&T Clark, 2019, in: Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 83 (2021), pp. 345-346.
83. ‘Social History of the Jews of the Mishnah and Talmud Period: Review of Nissan Rubin, Twisting Frames: Dynamics of Change in Rabbinic Literature, Tel Aviv: Ha-Kibbutz Ha-Meuchad, 2019, in: Zion 86 (2020), pp. 486-491 (Hebrew).
Last Updated Date : 24/10/2023